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The Christmas Truce

This year marks the 100th year of the Christmas Truce. World War I was in it’s first year. The overwhelming horrors of the war had not become full blown. This was the war when trench warfare became so important. In the fall of 1914 both sides tried to out flank...

More of the Story

You may have already bumped into the latest newsletter from December. I thought you might like to read the rest of what the four folks wrote to me. This first story Pastor Bob Quaintance shares his journey into engaging more deeply with the scriptures. Bob and I have...

Charging up your time with God

I bumped into my friend Jordan and Panera this morning. We chit chatted about life and the early morning. We got onto the topic of our walk with Christ. He shared, “I am stuck. I’m just not connecting with Jesus.” Like most of us from time to time we...