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Building Disciplemakers

How do we sort out a coherent strategy that continually builds disciples? There are steps that can be taken. Steps that can strengthen present pastors and disciples in this disciplemaking cultures. Join me in the dream live out these intentionally.

The three words in discipleship

What are the most important words in discipleship? Can we boil it down to just a few key ideas? If you had to use just three words what would yours be?

Words have great power to affect us. If they are going to produce an effect we need to use the correctly. Discipleship means a lot of different things to different people.

What did Jesus have in mind?  

This series unpacks it. 

My Blog

Transformation ...

Moving ahead ...

Looking more like Christ ...

Helping others to live it out

Here's a few thoughts. 


Faulty Information

Four AM in the morning Captain Samuel Johnson and a small party were sent on an important reconnaissance mission. They were told by their commanding officer to find the end of the enemy’s line. That would be the weak spot they could attack and out flank the opponent....

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Seeing Movement

I returned recently from two sets of leadership meetings and a conference led by our African-American Network. The main discussion was how do we launch a disciplemaking movement. Worldwide missiologists  have observed 1400 of them. They are a rapid advancement of the...

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The three words in discipleship

What are the most important words in discipleship? Can we boil it down to just a few key ideas? If you had to use just three words what would yours be?  Words have great power. We have all experienced a powerful speech by a coach, a politician or a parent that moved...

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