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My Ten Year Mission

I’m excited to consider what could be done in the next ten years. As I’ve moved through my first years with The Navigators I’ve learned even more what I am to do. At first, I was learning new skills of the ministry. It then moved to understanding...

Our 3 year Disciplemaking process

Can a disciplemaking culture be formed in a congregation? Can a church become a place where disciples are made and continually being made? That is what The Navigators have been working at this process for almost 50 years.  In the “Growing Intentional...

What’s My Mission

As I’ve moved through my years with The Navigators it has become clearer what I am to do. It has been energizing to consider how I am to accomplish the vision. It’s taken the accumulation of experiences, training and time to consider to add clarity to...

The spiritual discipline I didn’t like

I remember when I was living in Charleston hearing about a someone journaling. I thought that sounds so awful, like a writing in a diary. I was reminded little book with a locket that I would write everything from the day. Today I …_____. Yuck. It just...