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Five Pushbacks That Hinder Leaders, Part 1

I was recently asked to take a larger leadership role. Being asked to lead a new task no matter the size is energizing. It feels great to be asked to take on a new level of leadership. With a promotion we tell our loved ones and friends about the exciting news....

Christmas 2019

December 5, 2019 – UPDATED Merry Christmas! This season is a wonderful reminder of God’s goodness to us. From the very first Christmas, the occasion was marked in special ways. The wisemen brought gifts. The angels brought worship. Shepherds stopped everything...

Prayers for Embattled Leaders

We are all called to lead somewhere. Leadership comes with joys and challenges. One person who knew a lot about leadership is David. He certainly know of his great victories like bringing the ark to Jerusalem. He also knew great challenges, some very tough ones. These...

My prep a GiDC Cluster

I am preparing for the launch of two congregations in our disciplemaking process Growing intentional Disciplemaking Culture or GiDC. Here’s the details as I get ready. Here’s the present situation: + 2 NALC pastors from Southern OH. They are smaller...