February marks the forth month in my new role. I am enjoying it and sensing that I am already making a contribution. I am a part of The Navigators one million disciplemaker strategy. This role expands the spectrum of ministry expressions. Let me unpack what my new world looks like.
I love how my role is divided. Seventy percent of my time is for national duties. Thirty percent is for my local ministry. Nationally I lead, coach and advocate for six different ministries within the Disciplemaker For Life mission. Ministries are subsets in a Mission.
Nationally my job is to connect with the ministry leads assisting them with the implementation of their particular strategy. The Navigators is a large organization over 3000 staff nationally, which means there is complexities. I help untangle challenges and open doors for these sharp leaders.
Locally I am connecting church and ministry leaders like Bill, Adam and Matt. I lead two discipleship groups with eight men like Trenton, Karl, and Mark. The role includes being on the northeast Ohio Navs leadership team. We are rallying around equipping everyday disciplemakers. We began in earnest this past fall with Randy Nickel and Greg Bryan to take steps ahead in our collaborative ministry together.
Nationally, my role for the past five years was leading Navigators Church Ministries. We envisioned every church sending everyday disciplemakers to transform their everywhere. I am grateful for my years with that team and the pastors I walked alongside. In essence, my new role is a bump up the ladder. The ministry leaders that were my peers are now who I supervise. This new role came out of my sabbatical and fits beautifully the themes the Lord was prompting me towards.
Here’s the six ministries I serve:
* 20s (https://nav20s.org/) . This ministry serves young adults in their twenties. They are the future leaders of our faith.
* I-58 (https://www.i-58navs.org/) . This team serves the under resourced and marginalized parts of our society. The leaders are a joy to be with. They walk by faith in areas few of us would want.
* NavNeighbors (https://navneighbors.org/) . Bloom where you are planted is lived out by this ministry. The gospel can advance right on your street.
* WorkPlace (https://navworkplace.org/) . They help ordinary people to make disciples where they work.
* Missional Enterprise. (https://navmissionalenterprise.org/) Ken and his team train business leaders to build businesses that bless communities and build disciples.
* Nav Church (https://navigatorschurchministries.org/) . They partner with church leaders, who build disciplemaking cultures, that transform their communities.

I am leading and coaching these six ministries within the Disciplemakers For Life mission. They are: Navs 20s, I-58, NavNeighbors, WorkPlace, Missional Enterprise, Navigators Church Ministries.
Want to connect with the Lord and deepen your prayer life? Here’s two articles on developing your prayer.
1) P-R-A-Y — https://wp.me/p35iCO-Ag
2) My best tools — https://wp.me/p35iCO-AC