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Our Region by the Numbers

As I step into my new as the Regional Leader of the Great Lakes. Here’s a way to look at our team. GLR by the numbers … 4 States: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio 11 Navigator Reps 8 Nav Life Coaches 8 Church Disciplemaking Coaches 76 Churches being...

What we are About

I love my job! It allows me to work with a highly skilled and thoughtful team, who have wonderful insights into our target audience. We walk alongside pastors, church leaders and congregations solving the most important work, the Great Command and the Great...

In good company in disbelief

Not believing really is part of it. From the very start everyone struggled with thinking Easter was true. The disciples did not start there. Just look at where they were at immediately following Jesus’ death. Luke 24 brings out disbelief in the closest of...

Let’s give better thanks

Giving thanks many times isn’t our first response to life. In Luke 17 ten folks benefitted and only one gave thanks to Jesus. That’s not a great percentage …ten percent. I hope that’s not my percentage in my my life! So to counter this tendency...

Next Steps in Coaching

Coaching helps develop leaders, helps folks take action, helps people think well about their life. I’ve personally benefitted and have thoroughly enjoyed watching my clients take bold new steps. Here’s a few ways The Navs can help you learn how to help...

My Ten Year Mission

I’m excited to consider what could be done in the next ten years. As I’ve moved through my first years with The Navigators I’ve learned even more what I am to do. At first, I was learning new skills of the ministry. It then moved to understanding...