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So how would you make one million disciplemakers? That the question we are asking these days in The Navigators. We have set ourselves on a course to build one million disciplemakers by 2030! The part I am playing includes both my national and local roles. Here’s how I’m working at it.

Local ministry is where I have served since I started with The Navigators. It has been about launching every day people to make disciples that make disciples. I’ve helped pastors, church leaders, and whole congregation to take steps ahead. I share later the way you can help me continue strongly.


Church Cluster for our Growing intentional Disciplemaking Cultures

Randy and I are in the middle of the two churches in southern Ohio gathering for our disciplemaking process. When churches do it together they learn from each other’s strengths. That in turn propels them even more. Pastor Scott has gone through our Life & Leadership Coaching and has started leading his core team in the first steps of our process.


Life & Leadership Coaching

Coaching is an amazing experience. I

watch my coachees tackle the big challenges in their life. They find the obstacles before them. They come up with the outcome themselves. I know it is connecting when they say, “That’s a good question!” They then proceed to consider even more deeply their life. Probably the best response I’ve ever had was from the sharpest pastor I’ve coached. He said, “Where was this thirty years ago when I was starting my ministry?!”

I am coaching four pastors right now in coaching process and hope to add a couple more this coming year.

Learn more about our coaching here.



Disciplemaking Cohort

My favorite story for this past year was our Disciplemaking Cohort. We take folks through the best disciplemaking workbook I bumped into called The Ways of the Alongsider. The idea is simple meet twice a month over lunch at the Front Porch Cafe in Akron to discuss our findings in the book. This is my third round of running the group. I’ve been amazed how it has prompted a lot of questions and a lot of growth. I’ve seen really honest conversation. However, the best part this year was when two guys came back to help lead it. In fact, they now lead and tell me what part to do. We’re working to get our next cohort together this October. This is exactly one of our desired outcomes. Kirk and Randy who led this year are disciplemakers! I am really grateful for their ministry.


Discipling, Mentoring, Alongsiding

One interesting part of my ministry is the number of young pastors asking me to walk with them. For Kris who’s a young youth pastor we meet twice a month to go through “Discipleship Essentials” by Greg Ogden. We’re praying for each other, memorizing Scripture, probing greater depth in our theology, and taking

practical steps.

Adam and Ryan youth pastors asked me on separate occasions to mentor them. We’ve worked through the challenges of their young families, the questions they have about their ministries. I also meet with Justin who leads worship at his congregation. As I start the fall I will begin with Pastor Ben meeting to talk and think about his church. I am very honored to walk with these highly gifted leaders.

I also lead a discipleship meeting at St Pauls on Tuesday where we’ve covered great topics like: the names of God in Genesis and 2 Peter. We have great discussions together as we ponder God’s Word. In the fall I start our fourth wave of congregants through the Alongsider. Pastor Amjad is tremendously gifted leader. After the video conference he and I usually touch base saying, “God has surprised us again!” Finally, I am personally walking through five individuals through the Alongsider in four different meetings. Two are pastors, one is an elder and two are my daughters. What a privilege!

I am about halfway through the Alongsider with Pastor Bill and one of his Elders. They are wanting to learn how be stronger disciplemakers and how they can see their church live it out as well. I am intrigued how my involvement with this church will proceed this fall. Will we continue into Growing intentional Disciplemaking Culture process? I hope so. These two men are hungry to learn more.

How you can help

In order for me to be released to these tasks God has laid on our team I need to be fully funded. Would you prayerfully consider a monthly financial gift to my ministry? At present my need is an additional $1602 in monthly support. Click here to participate.





For more on my national role click here.