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Four AM in the morning Captain Samuel Johnson and a small party were sent on an important reconnaissance mission. They were told by their commanding officer to find the end of the enemy’s line. That would be the weak spot they could attack and out flank the opponent.

Captain Johnson headed south and searched in the early hours for any enemy combatants. When he returned around 8am he reported what he had found. No enemy on Little Round Top were found, making it the place to focus their attack.

The day was July 2nd 1863 and much was riding on the line. The Confederate and Union armies were battling in the little town of Gettysburg. Two bloody years of war was tearing through the country. General Lee thought he had the information he needed to doom the Northern Army.

He was wrong.

In one of the mysteries of the battle of Gettysburg the reconnaissance information was inaccurate. Captain Johnson did not have the complete story. There were Union soldiers on Little Round Top. What happened there began to turn the tide towards the Union.

Having faulty or incomplete information can have drastic implications. It was true then. It is true today. Spiritually when we do not have the fullest of info we can be led down bad paths. Specifically, this can happen when we do not dig deep enough to get the full context of what the Lord is saying to us in his Word.

Here’s one verse we miss the fuller meaning.  This verse has been a favorite of mine and may be yours too. Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” What a great encouraging verse it is. Who doesn’t need strength to move ahead in life? Life takes great strength and perseverance.

That verse gives part of the needed information. When we scope out around the verse, its previous words written widen our understanding.  Then verse thirteen takes on a wiser counsel for our steps.

Consider what is added to our thinking when verse 10-12 are viewed. Phrases like “I have learned the secret of being content …in any and every situation …whether well fed or hungry” NIV. Verse thirteen is not about being a champion achieving victory after victory. No, it speaks to strength to walk through hard things, painful situations and disappointments. We re told we can be strengthened in every situation, when circumstances are good or challenging.

Getting the best Bible reconnaissance can rescue us from missing insight, mis-steps and ultimately bad paths. Let’s do careful study and observation of God’s Words.

May the Lord strengthen you in every situation.



— Face to Face is a helpful prayer tool that uses the Scriptures to form our prayer life. It formats a seven day pattern for our petitions that prompt me to pray more broadly.