Five Pushbacks continued
This is the second part to Moses’ reluctance to follow God’s grand vision. If you want to start from the beginning, follow this link.

by Zan on
No one is immune for the challenges that leading God people brings. Once Moses hears of the enormity of the task he shrunk back. He had so many reasons. Here’s the third, fourth and fifth reasons he thought he was not the person for the job.
Pushback 3: What about them?
“But Moses protested again, ‘What if they won’t believe me or listen to me? What if they say, ‘The Lord never appeared to you?’” Exodus 4:1 NLT
There is a saying that if you look behind you and see no one following, then you must not be a leader. Those that lead have someone following. A this point in Moses’ life he had no one following him. His early attempt to lead was a failure with murder, accusations and running for his life.
His question was legitimate. He could not see any untapped talents.
The question of our ability to lead others hits us all. How do you stand up in front of a crowd and say this is the way to go? What do I do when others question my vision, my strategy? How do I argue my case? How do I stand firm when there are questions, sneers or unwillingness to move ahead? This takes guts, confidence.
From time to time, we each are confronted that we just do not have what it takes. Every organization faces a shortage of leaders because of this reluctance. For many it is just easier to duck and get out being the point person.
God responds to Moses by giving him two miracles: his staff becoming a serpent and his hand becoming leprous, then clean again. What’s the point of these tricks? God says 4:8 that these tricks are “signs”, signals that something larger, that the Lord is involved. The Lord points out to Moses that the Israelites and Pharaoh will believe him because of these signs.
In leading others, part of the Lord’ calling is God making it clear the person at the front is his ambassador. That this leader is God’s emissary and is speaking God’s words and vision. He not only makes it clear to the crowd, but also to the leader themselves. This is a tremendous lift off the leader’s shoulders. After all, this is God’s ministry, his direction, his vision. Our all important task is to hear from the Lord what he wants and where he wants us to go.
God’s answer to what about them? — I will empower you and make it clear to those under your care.
Pushback 4: I am not skilled.
“Moses raised another objection to God: “Master, please, I don’t talk well. I’ve never been good with words, neither before nor after you spoke to me. I stutter and stammer.” Exodus 4:10 MSG
This pushback is different from the first thumbs down to God’s plan. While the first focused on character and position. Moses knew he did not have the credentials to go back and lead these people. In this fourth pushback he realizes he does not possess the skills and talents to accomplish the goal. He knows he cannot speak well. As the Message version expresses it “I stutter and stammer.” How is he going to challenge Pharaoh to his face and convince that the Israelites should be let go? He can’t even get the words out.
We too are vulnerable to this objection. We counter with, “I cannot do this. I am not sure that is my skill set. That’s not in my wheelhouse.” We have a list of items that negate our participating in God’s work. As we continue to dismiss a challenge, we can begin digressing to old insecurities about ourselves. “I am a worm, devoid of abilities.” We all have episodes in our life where we failed or could not cut it. Those tapes get cemented in to, “You don’t have what it takes.”
At some point we must hear the same words God told Moses. God tells us, “Who made you? Who gave you your gifts?” Perhaps one of the best ways the Lord says this to us is in Ephesians 2:10. Verse ten follows the famous, “for it is by grace you have been saved,” in verses 8 and 9. Restoring humanity by his grace from the ravages sin racked on us, verse 10 states, “For you are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which he prepared beforehand that you should walk in them.” ESV Note the word “workmanship.” In the Greek it “poema” or could be rendered “masterpiece.” We are not broken down, twisted, useless. We are restored to do the good to which God has called us. He wants us a part of his Kingdom work. All this is His work in us. When God calls us, we are able through him making up our deficiencies. We are able through new gifts he endows.
God’s answer to I am not skilled? — I crafted you to do good, to do my vision.
Pushback 5: Send someone else.
“But he said, “Oh, my Lord, please send someone else.” Exodus 4:13
I often have snickered at this verse. It gets down to perhaps real reason Moses had to not set himself on the Lord’s task. We see the coward in Moses. It’s only funny because all of us have played the similar game. When challenge or failure or danger is before us we entertain thoughts of high tailing away.
Jonah felt this way. He ran from God’s call and got on a ship going the opposite direction. Mark backed out after starting the missionary trip with Paul and Barnabas exiting home early. We have plenty of biblical cowards. Unfortunately, for us we too know the lack of fortitude to face intimidating events.
So how does God answer this last pushback? God doesn’t take no for an answer! He continues telling Moses how he will be able to head back. First, God sends a partner. “Behold, [Aaron], is coming out to meet you, and when he sees you, he will be glad in his heart.” (Ex 4:14b ESV) A companion is a necessary way to do ministry. Jesus sent the disciples out two by two. We need someone to join us in big tasks. Next God says, “he will be with his words.” (verse 15 ESV) The words Moses would need to say would be supplied. Could this not be harkening back to Moses’ insecurities of stammering in the previous pushback? Finally, he reminds Moses of his staff, “which you shall do the signs.” (verse 17 ESV)
God’s answer to I’m outta here? — Here is a partner. Here are the words. Here is the power needed for my big task.
Five pushbacks that we will need to confront as we move out with God’s call.
Who am I?
Who are you Lord?
What about the others I lead?
What about my lack of skills?
Can I get out of this?
Unfortunately, we do not get out of having to answer these questions. Once answered it does not mean that we won’t have to face it again. We too are forgetful like the Apostles. You may also realize that one of these five is a recurring theme in your life. We can take strength from the fact that ministry leadership is his call, he initiates the vision. We can take strength that he can fully answer and keep answering these questions in our own heart.