That was on my mind when my wife and I had just returned from being with our daughter. We were working through a pesky issue our daughter was having with a neighbor.
We were discussing the potential options. Helen had one idea and I had another. Helen began unpacking my rationale. The more she spoke the more I started getting frustrated, then defensive.
Helen didn’t say it but I heard the tape in my mind, “Grow up.” I had to face the limitations of my decision. It was hard to walk into the awkward conversation. It would have been easier to shut down the discussion.
All of us have heard those words: Grow up. It could have been on the playground, at home, or at our jobs. When those words are stated it produces shame or even anger. We want to get away. The words do not even need to be stated. We can hear them in our minds and still be moved to a bad place emotionally.
The Challenge of Maturity
Growing up is hard work. In fact, we never are released from being challenged to become more mature. It is one of the biggest challenges for us as humans. Full-fledged adults can act as immaturely as a five-year-old. That should not be.
The results of this phrase can cause us to get stuck, back away from the situation, or never get over the issue. The opportunity lies here: If we are trained by the challenge, we gain beauty and energy to live. Deep joy becomes a part of our existence.
Life has its moments when we need to face a challenge, when we need to live in a new reality.
The sad fact for us spiritually is that sometimes we avoid growing up. We dodge the maturation process, choosing to avoid or blow up instead taking a new step. We get stuck by life’s challenges. We each face this truth: growing up is awkward, scary, and disorienting.
Growing up in Christ
How do we grow up in Christ? Here are three steps.
1. Know who you are
The first Epistle of John has a passage that speaks to the process of discipleship. In becoming mature in Christ we must take steps.
“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are” (1 John 3:1ESV).
Knowing who we are is the crucial starting point. Our identity in Christ is the place to begin. This does not mean proving ourselves through acting good or through self-aggrandizement. This love is given by the Father. It is not earned. Being a “child of God” is his choice. This becomes our new identity. We are his children!