There’s a lot of people throwing out the term “coaching.” It is used in a variety of ways. I’ve had a lot of training in my first four years to ramp me up to coaching.
A coach works with pastors and church leaders in helping them move from current reality to their desired outcome. It taps the deepest motivations of the client to produce action and ultimately transformation. The GAP between reality and desired outcome in the world of ministry can be foggy, stressful, confusing and full of rabbit trails. As a result we can be frustrated, discouraged and struggling with priorities, family responsibilities and personal spiritual growth. Many are seeking to survive rather than thrive.
Coaches enter that GAP with to
- Greater understanding of their current reality and desired outcome
- Action steps toward their desired future
- Plans for growth personally and professionally.
In the coaching process we focus on a Christ centered life of faith, priorities, health, family, finances, service and relationships. Through asking questions a coach helps the pastor focus on current reality, desired future, and action plan. Then the coach provides support, accountability and encouragement for life transformation. The coaching process concludes with the pastor developing a vision, ministry plan and priority management toward their desired future.
It is exciting to help pastors and church leaders think, to provide an environment that allows them open up new insights and find steps they can implement. One of my favorite coaching calls is with Pastor Gary. He has made huge strides. Almost every time we get off the phone he says thanks this is helping me renew and revive my life and ministry. What a privilege.
We coach pastors, church leaders and actually we can coach anyone who wants to walk through the process. Ask me for a 20 minute coaching call to experience it.