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Building Disciplemakers

How do we sort out a coherent strategy that continually builds disciples? There are steps that can be taken. Steps that can strengthen present pastors and disciples in this disciplemaking cultures. Join me in the dream live out these intentionally.

The three words in discipleship

What are the most important words in discipleship? Can we boil it down to just a few key ideas? If you had to use just three words what would yours be?

Words have great power to affect us. If they are going to produce an effect we need to use the correctly. Discipleship means a lot of different things to different people.

What did Jesus have in mind?  

This series unpacks it. 

My Blog

Transformation ...

Moving ahead ...

Looking more like Christ ...

Helping others to live it out

Here's a few thoughts. 


We had to celebrate

Saturday was a celebration! We needed to come to together to share. When we see something excellent we stand up and cheer. We do it all the time in sports stadiums when our team has a good play or wins. So these two churches needed to come together to be grateful for...

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Good things in 2018

December ended with a bunch of opportunities to serve. There were four workshops in a week and a trip to meet with our national directors. I was out of breath. As the month closed I had a conversation with Pastor Bob Quaintance. He has been wanting to reinitiate some...

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Books I benefitted from this year.

Books I benefitted from this year.

Every time I read I always enjoy it. Yet it does takes a choice to pick up a book. So I am to reminding myself how I've benefitted and I'm remembering the good ones this year. Martin Luther, by Eric Metaxas. This was a great book on a number of levels. As I read it I...

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