Building Disciplemakers
How do we sort out a coherent strategy that continually builds disciples? There are steps that can be taken. Steps that can strengthen present pastors and disciples in this disciplemaking cultures. Join me in the dream live out these intentionally.
The three words in discipleship
What are the most important words in discipleship? Can we boil it down to just a few key ideas? If you had to use just three words what would yours be?
Words have great power to affect us. If they are going to produce an effect we need to use the correctly. Discipleship means a lot of different things to different people.
What did Jesus have in mind?
This series unpacks it.
My Blog
Transformation ...
Moving ahead ...
Looking more like Christ ...
Helping others to live it out
Here's a few thoughts.
Life Coaching
There's a lot of people throwing out the term "coaching." It is used in a variety of ways. I've had a lot of training in my first four years to ramp me up to coaching. A coach works with pastors and church leaders in helping them move from current reality to their...
Equipping the Chinese Church
One of the surprising outcomes of the summer was being involved with the Chinese Church of Akron. It wasn't even on my radar in May, but in July things changed. That was fun. My friend Todd McKenney has ministered for a long time with them, particularly when he on...
Two churches thinking deeply
This week I'm taking a new step with two of the churches I am working with. They have taken the Reveal Survey, which will give them a huge amount of information about the spiritual condition of the their congregation. It will give them a number of priorities to be...