I returned recently from two sets of leadership meetings and a conference led by our African-American Network. The main discussion was how do we launch a disciplemaking movement. Worldwide missiologists have observed 1400 of them. They are a rapid advancement of the gospel that sees multiple generations of disciples and church plants. Sadly, there are no disciplemaking movements in the US.
The Navigators are dreaming and working towards seeing this happen here. Our strategic initiative to make one million disciplemakers by 2030, is our answer. The enormity of the goal means we must work together, that we need to encourage one another and the we adjust what we have been doing.
So here’s our task before us. We want to connect, develop and resource everyday disciplemakers. Where it becomes challenging is that the one million strategy cannot be accomplished by our navstaff. We must include and even focus on regular people.
My role is now coaching and leading six ministry leads in The Navigators (see more here). They are six different contexts that people find themselves. I am also thrilled to have personal ministry around town with pastors, a parachurch leader, a young ministry leader and a men’s discipleship group.
Join us in this vision that is actually the Lord’s commission. Disciple yourself. Disciple someone else. See them disciple someone else.
It truly is something each one of us can do. Acts 4:13 says something to this very point. “When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.” The first disciples were just common folk. They knew Jesus deeply. They took steps of faith.
It does not take a professional. Let’s believe that the Lord wants us in His dream for the world. It simply takes someone who is with Jesus and takes steps of faith.
May the Lord go before us to move ahead His people.
- I’ve been surprised at how useful these Scripture
Journals have been. It has the Scripture on the left side and wide open space on the right side. It’s simplicity allow the Spirit to nudge in good ways. This one is in the ESV version. There is also one with the NLT version.
- Need to recharge your prayer life? Here’s two articles I wrote recently. https://intentionalministry.com/a-simple-spiritual-discipline-were-not-getting/ https://intentionalministry.com/best-ways-to-kickstart-your-prayer-life/
Prayer Requests
- Pray for my relationships with my neighbors. Pray that God would open a door for substantial conversations.
- Pray for two groups of men in whom I am investing. Pray that God would enable them to take the steps ahead He desires most in their lives.
- Pray for wisdom as I lead the Ministry Leads on my team. Pray for increased unity and collaboration that would impact the Kingdom.
- May 10th, 11:30 – 1pm. Akron Disciplemakers. A gathering of local leaders. Sign up here.