September 1st I add to my role in Nav Church Ministries. In addition to equipping pastors and churches I’ll begin to lead the other Nav Staff in our four state region. As they asked me to consider the role I began my training for it. I has been a great learning experience for me. Here’s where I benefitted most.
- Each chapter in 1 Samuel contains strong leadership principles from the life of David. It’s a book of contrasts: Eli & Samuel, Saul & David …or bad example leadership compared to a good example. Chapter three has a verse that has echoed in my mind since last November. Samuel speaks to the Lord for the first time by saying, “Speak Lord your servant is listening.” From that time on Samuel knew the voice of the Lord. That’s where spiritual leadership starts.
- From a completely different angle on leadership I read “It’s Your Ship.” by
Abrashoff. He was a captain of a Navy ship. The leadership principles are so powerful: listen aggressively …believe in people …build up your people. Among the best quotes is listen like, “Every encounter, every opportunity was the most important conversation I had that day,” in chapter four. I am reviewing my notes from the book regularly.
- Another leadership book I’ve benefitted from is the “Emotionally Healthy Leader” by Peter Scazerro. He addresses many of the difficult emotional areas we ignore or bury. You cannot plow through the principles he’s written without some careful thought. In his chapter Facing your Shadow is about becoming aware of the natural weaknesses or wounds that many of us carry and lead from. These are destructive patterns that hurt not only us but those who serve with us. Another great chapter is on power. He pushes us to consider the power that each of us has. Sometimes we are aware of it. “And the more power we have, the greater impact we exert – intentional or not -on those around us. …We must learn what it means to use our power and then how to establish wise and healthy boundaries.” p. 247
I’d love to hear your favorite leadership book.
Here’s more about the Great Lakes Region…