I love my job! It allows me to work with a highly skilled and thoughtful team, who have wonderful insights into our target audience. We walk alongside pastors, church leaders and congregations solving the most important work, the Great Command and the Great Commission. My role continues to grow from local staff to regional leader and now on a national level with Navigators Church Ministries (NCM) new role in the Navigators. Much remains the same though as I continue to work building disciplemaking cultures in churches.
Isaiah 58:12 speaks to what is our involvement with churches. “Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age old foundations. You will be called repairer of broken walls restorer of streets with dwellings.” ESV
This is the good vision the NCM team and I work at everyday. We want to help the church excel at the Great Commission. Unfortunately, the church is not experiencing strength in its task. There are significant challenges facing congregations. You’ve probably seen it too.
Churches are in need of what this verse says. Churches are broken down, walls need repair, foundations need to be relaid. One recent stat that came out from The Barna Group’s “State of Pastors” survey that startled me was that the average church attender now come 1.14 times a month. Wow. How can a church have any kind of impact in a life once a month?
Another stat I saw as I was reviewing a church’s Reveal Survey that 34% of the congregation believed in salvation by grace. Yikes! How can we miss this core truth in the gospel? This church also only had 12% of its people engaged in the Bible everyday! You may think I’m picking on this church. The sad fact is that’s not out of the norm with churches.
We’ve have lots broken walls.

Our Core 4 helps you proactively decide how you’ll live out all areas of your personal life. We then assist in setting ministry vision & its implementation.
That’s why I am so enthused about the role we have in NCM!
The three areas we work at to rebuild The Church are: Life Coaching, Growing Intentional Disciplemaking Cultures & building laborers.
- Our life coaching is a fantastic tool to create whole and intentional church leaders. One of my pastors says all the time about it, “Where was this 30 years ago when I started in the ministry.” This pastor has not only gone through the process but has had his staff at two churches go through it too. To learn more see my post on Life Coaching.
- Growing Intentional Disciplemaking Cultures (GiDC) is our three year process that helps a church or organization build a disciplemaking culture. Pastor Jerry is almost finished with his church’s process. He is thrilled to see the Bible being read and discussed, discipleship triads being formed AND he is seeing new a generation of leaders coming out these discipleship groups. See the post on the GiDC.
- Building laborers comes from Matthew 9:37, 38. Jesus notes that the harvest is abundant. We are told to pray that the Lord would send out laborers. This is people like you and me to work in his harvest, shedding light, speaking truth, building up strong roots of faith. One of our best tools is the Alongsider workbook we use to bump up disciplemaking skills. It is a book that focuses on multiplication. It is not so much discipleship as it is disciplemaking. Our team is discipling others, helping them take strong steps of transformation. The big dream is that many of these would also become one of Jesus’ laborers too propelling others to join in the harvest.
Join us in the adventure.