Got any big themes that stuck out for you this past year? Some may pop into your mind as you read this, like the good or the bad or the annoying.
Some of your themes will be missed if you don’t take some time to think it over. Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” It is not worth living because you overlook the lessons learned to live a smarter life. It is not worth living because you forget the gems of life. You also are doomed to repeat awkward situations because you didn’t think deeply enough about your own weaknesses or the world around you.
I just wrapped up my 2024 which has given me hope, wisdom and strength to head into next year. So how can we examine our life? You can do it a lot of ways, but I’ll share a few that allow me to think and be aware of my life.

Review your calendar. Look at the events and their outcomes. Remember the challenges, the joy. Consider their impact on you.
Review your relationships. Think through your family, neighbors, coworkers. Where are these relationships? Are they good, awkward, hopeful?
Review your journal. Look for patterns both good and bad. Look for particular verses that helped at specific momements. If you don’t journal by reviewing your calendar and relationship is the essence of it.
Consider the books you read or movies that impacted you.
Consider how the Scripture influenced you this year. What were your reading in the Bible this year? What were sermons you remember. Don’t forget the whispers of the Holy Spirit along the way. Was there a passage or even a phrase in a verse that kept popping up in your mind? Those nuggets of wisdom the Lord is passing along to you.
Finally, write it down somewhere. Some people like paper, others use their computer. Putting something down on paper makes it more real. Seeing our thoughts on a screen multiplies the lesson.
I pulled away from my year with three big themes: challenge, endurance, and power. I walked through the six steps above and have a rich treasure trove of wisdom.
Challenge. This year seemed to have a lot difficulties. …health …loss …family. God’s answers came from a number verses. Surprisingly, it was a verse I’ve known from my first steps in Christ that spoke to me. “No temptation (think trial too) has overtaken you that is not common to man. And God is faithful, he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape that you may be able to endure it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13 ESV The phrase that spoke most to me was “common to man.” Everyone, everyone goes through difficulties, anxieties, setbacks, loss. I needed to remember the challenges weren’t unique to my experience. That truth encouraged me.
Endurance. The verse here is Colossians 1:11, “Being strengthened with all power … for all endurance and patience with joy.” ESV. As I walked through my year my need for strength and endurance was bolstered by these words. I memorized this verse and the surrounding verses which empowered my steps for my life and my ministry.
Power for life and ministry. Power helps me move to the next things God has put before me. I am grateful for God’s power to press on. In my study of 1 Samuel, chapter 17 reminded me of the power available to us. David was a shepherd boy about to face a battle hardened giant. “David replied to the Philistine, “You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies—the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.” 1 Samuel 17:45 NLT. We are empowered not my our own strength but by a much greater power. David knew where his power came from and where it did not.
I can wrap up 2024 reminded of what I walked through and how God pointed the way ahead. May the Lord strengthen you as you move into 2025!