by dane | Apr 4, 2018 | Church Blog, Uncategorized
We are considering three important, critical words in discipleship. Three words that can put us in a place for high impact. Words for a deeper understanding of life; a more powerful life and legacy. Who’s in? I like to see the entomology of words. Where did the...
by dane | Mar 7, 2018 | Church Blog, Uncategorized
Just last month two congregations completed our Growing Intentional Disciplemaking Cultures or GiDC. It is a power packed three years with much to reconsider, things to strengthen and new skills added. Isaiah 58:12 speaks so well to the process. “Your people...
by dane | Mar 3, 2018 | Church Blog, Uncategorized
Saturday was a celebration! We needed to come to together to share. When we see something excellent we stand up and cheer. We do it all the time in sports stadiums when our team has a good play or wins. So these two churches needed to come together to be grateful for...
by dane | Dec 27, 2017 | Church Blog, Uncategorized
December ended with a bunch of opportunities to serve. There were four workshops in a week and a trip to meet with our national directors. I was out of breath. As the month closed I had a conversation with Pastor Bob Quaintance. He has been wanting to reinitiate some...
by dane | Dec 26, 2017 | Church Blog, Uncategorized
Every time I read I always enjoy it. Yet it does takes a choice to pick up a book. So I am to reminding myself how I’ve benefitted and I’m remembering the good ones this year. Martin Luther, by Eric Metaxas. This was a great book on a number of levels. As...