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Transformation ...

Moving ahead ...

Looking more like Christ ...

Helping others to live it out

Here's a few thoughts. 


Grow up!

Oh grow up! That was on my mind when my wife and I had just returned from being with our daughter. We were working through a pesky issue our daughter was having with a neighbor. We were discussing the potential options. Helen had one idea and I had another. Helen...

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Seeing our mission statement become a reality

The Navigators Church Ministries (NCM) staff has put a lot of work developing our mission and vision statement. They are helpful for all our staff to work towards that right things together. There is energy when the statements come together as our leadership team did...

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Christmas Update

Merry Christmas! It is a Merry Christmas. We have much to be joyful about. Despite the ups and downs of the year, we can come to this time celebrating. Here’s a way I have smiled this fall. I bumped into this superb gift the Lord has given us. At this time of year we...

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The Secret to Healthy Core Teams

The growing season was upon me. I was sure that, like every new year, it was going to be great. I had added a new raised bed. I had dug up the soil and added amendments. A tomato plant I had started from seed was properly placed in the bed. I couldn’t wait to get...

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Three things I’m looking forward to this fall.

It has been a good summer of preparing for the fall. There is lots of items and events on the schedule. Here’s three I want to highlight for you. Akron Disciplemakers. Discipling others offers plenty of roadblocks. People are unique. What will propel them forward...

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Help Wanted Signs

Have you seen all the “Help Wanted” signs that are popping up everywhere? It seems like every restaurant in my area has one up. In one way it is a good sign. It means the economy may be bouncing, Covid’s ravages are waning. There is a place that needs a “Help Wanted”...

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Help for Gardening and Disciplemaking

My wife and I love gardening. We’re not alone. Across the U.S. it is said to be the most popular hobby. There are a bunch of reasons: seeing growth, planning how a landscape can be more beautiful, and enjoying the produce. Even though I love it, there are challenges....

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A Rudy Moment

March 2011 was a tough chapter in my life. It was one of those times you wake up and say to yourself, “What the heck happened?” I felt like I had been hit by a two by four across the head. I was in a transition from my church to who knows what. What was I now going to...

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Preparing for More Ministry

One of my hobbies is gardening. Helen and I love to dream what could be and start working towards it. Hope is a big allure for both of us in the garden. I’m probably a little crazy about it. God loves gardens too. I believe He has been planting seeds of big plans He...

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Moving Ahead Amidst Challenges

When I was a kid my Mom and my Sister would read me "The Little Train that Could." It's a book about a little train trying to get up over a big hill. The train was lacking confidence in the daunting task of hill before him. The turning point was the little phrase he...

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Good things in our new reality.

Hope this finds you well! We are all going through challenging times with: our first pandemic, our daily Presidential press conferences, global stay at home lockdowns, jobs furloughed, job cuts, long lines at the grocery stores, even more online shopping, watching...

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Good things I am working at: Zoom Zoom

We have all needed to adapt to our new reality. One thing I cannot say is that I have so much more time now that we are staying at home. The nature of how I serve church leaders and congregations is done in person but also on phone and online video calls. Here's what...

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Five Pushbacks That Hinder Leaders, Part 2

Five Pushbacks continued This is the second part to Moses' reluctance to follow God's grand vision. If you want to start from the beginning, follow this link. No one is immune for the challenges that leading God people brings. Once Moses hears of the enormity of the...

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Five Pushbacks That Hinder Leaders, Part 1

I was recently asked to take a larger leadership role. Being asked to lead a new task no matter the size is energizing. It feels great to be asked to take on a new level of leadership. With a promotion we tell our loved ones and friends about the exciting news. We're...

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Christmas 2019

December 5, 2019 - UPDATED Merry Christmas! This season is a wonderful reminder of God’s goodness to us. From the very first Christmas, the occasion was marked in special ways. The wisemen brought gifts. The angels brought worship. Shepherds stopped everything and...

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