
Transformation ...
Moving ahead ...
Looking more like Christ ...
Helping others to live it out
Here's a few thoughts. 
Prayers for Embattled Leaders
We are all called to lead somewhere. Leadership comes with joys and challenges. One person who knew a lot about leadership is David. He certainly know of his great victories like bringing the ark to Jerusalem. He also knew great challenges, some very tough ones. These...
Dane’s Local Ministry
So how would you make one million disciplemakers? That the question we are asking these days in The Navigators. We have set ourselves on a course to build one million disciplemakers by 2030! The part I am playing includes both my national and local roles. Here's how...
Dane’s National Role
So how would you make one million disciplemakers? That is the question we are asking these days in The Navigators. We have set ourselves on a course to build one million disciplemakers by 2030! The part I am playing includes both my national and local roles. Here's...
My prep a GiDC Cluster
I am preparing for the launch of two congregations in our disciplemaking process Growing intentional Disciplemaking Culture or GiDC. Here's the details as I get ready. Here's the present situation: + 2 NALC pastors from Southern OH. They are smaller churches led by...
The Three Words in Discipleship …well actually there’s a forth!
This forth word was one I missed. Even as a pastor I served forgetting to live it out. I was living out being a disciple, discipleship and discipling, but I was missing the most impactful piece. Here's the great opportunity. If we live it out, it opens a door for...
Big Prayer for Jan & Feb
Pray for big things The year starts off with two big events. They are big because they involve national level strategy and implementation. I am honored to be a part of the discussion. I am intrigued where the Lord is leading the Navigators. Here’s the two...
Relaunch of intentional ministry
I am excited to relaunch my site. Special thanks to my friend Roger Nichols for his time and expertise! You've actually seen him if you've been on my site. Roger and I gathered for a number of years at a Panera walking through a great...
EXCEL Conference
This fall our Great Lakes Region will be running the national conference for our Navigators Church Ministries. We will have a great opportunity together to EXCEL at disciple-making. I couldn't be any more enthused with our speakers and workshops. The hope is that we...
Disciplemaking Cohort
This fall we will launch another round of our Disciplemaking Cohort. We had a great experience with our group. What's really fun is that two of these men are now going to help lead it this year. So what is this? Our disciplemaking cohort will help you make...
Mid-Year Highlight
We’re at the midpoint of the year! I am grateful for the good things I have been a part, plus what is coming up this summer and fall. Here’s a few of them. JANUARY I was asked to direct our fall national conference. Our creative region began working on theme,...
The three words in discipleship, part 3
So far the three words, critical to discipleship, that we've looked at are: disciple & discipleship. These two words get at the nature of discipleship. A disciple is about being a learner, an apprentice. Discipleship is about mastering these skills to higher and...
The three words in discipleship, part two
We are considering three important, critical words in discipleship. Three words that can put us in a place for high impact. Words for a deeper understanding of life; a more powerful life and legacy. Who's in? I like to see the entomology of words. Where did the word...
We had to Celebrate, part two
Just last month two congregations completed our Growing Intentional Disciplemaking Cultures or GiDC. It is a power packed three years with much to reconsider, things to strengthen and new skills added. Isaiah 58:12 speaks so well to the process. "Your people will...
We had to celebrate
Saturday was a celebration! We needed to come to together to share. When we see something excellent we stand up and cheer. We do it all the time in sports stadiums when our team has a good play or wins. So these two churches needed to come together to be grateful for...
Good things in 2018
December ended with a bunch of opportunities to serve. There were four workshops in a week and a trip to meet with our national directors. I was out of breath. As the month closed I had a conversation with Pastor Bob Quaintance. He has been wanting to reinitiate some...